27 Sept - our last morning in office! The cars were packed the previous night but, as ever, there was still more to squeeze in and I was wondering whether I would be going home by tube! Memories came flooding back at the rehearsal as there is a lot for the new Sheriffs to remember (they are not supposed to have their notes on stage). Back to the Bailey for final goodbye's to everyone (I think Vincent and Amanda's Labrador, India, will be missed more than us!). The ceremony went without a hitch - it's a strange feeling when the gown and Shrieval badge and chain are removed, but immediately I had to put on Chris's badge and chain and then wait until the end while everyone processed out. We enjoyed a very good Sheriffs' Breakfast before heading home (rather squashed with the seat so far forward!). Our best wishes to Michael and Elisabeth, Chris and Alex.
It is a privilege to have served the City for a year and we are lucky to have shared it with Vincent and Amanda.
It is a privilege to have served the City for a year and we are lucky to have shared it with Vincent and Amanda.

25 &26 Sept - as we neared the end of our term of office life was still as hectic as ever. After hosting lunch for the Judges we held drinks in the Old Bailey for everyone who works there, and in Mansion House. It was great to chat to many we don't normally see but who are an essential part of the running of both locations. On Thursday it was fascinating to hear the Chinese Ambassador speak of the contribution China makes to the UN, the sheer scale and growth of China and future relations with the UK, as well as the number of students and visitors to both the UK and China. I joined Vincent for our final lunch with the Judges which was very sad as they have helped us with our lunch guests and also facilitated events that we have held in the Bailey. Seeing the Judges almost daily makes it very difficult to say goodbye - as an Alderman Vincent will be back representing the Lord Mayor but I am not supposed to return too quickly. In the evening it was a pleasure for the full Civic Team to join the WC Basketmakers to celebrate their 450th Anniversary at Mansion House. The prize winning creations were on display (as modelled by the Lady Mayoress) - it is so important to keep traditional crafts going and the Basketmakers have a special category of membership for those who work in basketmaking. A first (for me at least) was seeing West End Kids dance to songs from The Greatest Showman in-between the table sprigs and at the end of the Hall - amazingly talented students and really upped the tempo and had us all wanting to take part!

23 & 24 Sept - the 23rd would normally have a 'post' to itself but I didn't take any photos! After hosting lunch I took the Guild of Young Freemen on a tour of the Old Bailey. This was my last tour and it has been a pleasure taking every one - without fail everyone marvels at the Grand Hall! Speaking of the Grand Hall we then hosted drinks in the GH for a Land and Investment Dinner. A wide range of guests were invited from finance to green initiatives, education and charities in rural areas, as well as member of the Corporation who are responsible for Open Spaces, buildings and finance. A quick look in Court 1 en route to Dinner in the Judges Dining Room - great networking and a buzz around the table.
The 24th was City Giving Day which celebrates charitable giving both for the Lord Mayor's Appeal and individual charities supported by companies. Birmingham held their first CGD earlier this year and representatives from Manchester were in London to see how the day runs with a view to holding a CGD in Manchester. We began at the London Stock Exchange where the Lord Mayor opened the markets before a photo call in Guildhall - sadly torrential rain meant this took place in the Art Gallery rather than Guildhall Yard but it didn't matter. After the photo the civic team all split and together with the Alderman and members of Common Council we visited as many companies as we could. My first stop was Finsbury Leisure Centre where UBS and Sports Inspired were organising a day of sport for 200 children from Hackney. It was fantastic and I could have stayed all morning! We went on to Goldsmiths Hall and looked round their exhibition, meeting some of the craftspeople as we went round. From there I visited Tesco and learnt about their wide ranging charitable giving. The Tour de City was a static bike challenge that being held concurrently at the Leadenhall Building and at Canary Wharf - great excitement and competition and we cheered everyone on before having a very short go ourselves (not ideal wearing a gown and skirt!). The Judges at the Old Bailey supported the day by wearing something red at lunchtime and we had a quick photo before heading off for two more visits. It was exhausting but such a positive day and so good so see so many charities helped. In the evening Vincent and I joined the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress at the 32nd Dragon Awards which celebrate the positive contribution to helping others by companies. Since they began over £29m has been raised and over 50,000 volunteers mobilised. Large corporates and SME's were nominated - it was great to chat to some of the nominees, particularly those who were visiting Mansion House for the first time. A brilliant day - very tiring but more than worthwhile - celebrating selfless giving on so many levels from dawn to dusk, and beyond!
The 24th was City Giving Day which celebrates charitable giving both for the Lord Mayor's Appeal and individual charities supported by companies. Birmingham held their first CGD earlier this year and representatives from Manchester were in London to see how the day runs with a view to holding a CGD in Manchester. We began at the London Stock Exchange where the Lord Mayor opened the markets before a photo call in Guildhall - sadly torrential rain meant this took place in the Art Gallery rather than Guildhall Yard but it didn't matter. After the photo the civic team all split and together with the Alderman and members of Common Council we visited as many companies as we could. My first stop was Finsbury Leisure Centre where UBS and Sports Inspired were organising a day of sport for 200 children from Hackney. It was fantastic and I could have stayed all morning! We went on to Goldsmiths Hall and looked round their exhibition, meeting some of the craftspeople as we went round. From there I visited Tesco and learnt about their wide ranging charitable giving. The Tour de City was a static bike challenge that being held concurrently at the Leadenhall Building and at Canary Wharf - great excitement and competition and we cheered everyone on before having a very short go ourselves (not ideal wearing a gown and skirt!). The Judges at the Old Bailey supported the day by wearing something red at lunchtime and we had a quick photo before heading off for two more visits. It was exhausting but such a positive day and so good so see so many charities helped. In the evening Vincent and I joined the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress at the 32nd Dragon Awards which celebrate the positive contribution to helping others by companies. Since they began over £29m has been raised and over 50,000 volunteers mobilised. Large corporates and SME's were nominated - it was great to chat to some of the nominees, particularly those who were visiting Mansion House for the first time. A brilliant day - very tiring but more than worthwhile - celebrating selfless giving on so many levels from dawn to dusk, and beyond!

20 Sept - the commemoration of St Matthew by Christ's Hospital dates back to 1557. The St Matthew's Day Parade Service gives thanks for the work of Christ's Hospital to continue providing life-changing education to those in need. The Service took place in Holy Sepulchre-without-Newgate with their excellent choir and band leading the service. The Rev'd Prebendary Rose Hudson-Wilkin gave an inspiring sermon to students and adults alike. All students then marched to Guilhall to be received by the Lord Mayor Locum Tenens. Following the presentation and 'packed lunch' in Guildhall setting up began for the Sheriffs' Ball, in aid of the Lord Mayor's Appeal, which supports three charities - OnSide Youth Zones, Place2Be and Samaritans. Over 400 people supported the evening and Chance band were fantastic with the dance floor full all evening. With only a week left of our Shrieval year it was very special to enjoy a relaxed (albeit high energy!) and fun evening together, with great support from family and friends whom we have not seen as much as we would have liked over the last year, as well as Livery companies and businesses.

18&19 Sept - it was a pleasure to join the Chief Commoner for drinks at Guildhall before attending the Pavoirs Annual Banquet at Mansion House. The charitable work they carry out, particularly in the line of education is wide ranging, from an Industry Youth Trust to the London Construction Academy. The Master had also led a group of twenty Paviors on the Moonwalk and raised £20k for breast cancer. One of our lunches was a themed lunch around Culture in the City - we were joined by a wide-ranging group of guests who are all involved with culture, whether in the City or in a nearby London borough. This was my fourth day of hosting lunch and very sadly we only have just over a week of our Shrieval year to go. Much of the day was spent on speeches and preparing for the Sheriffs Ball tomorrow which is in aid of the Lord Mayor's Appeal. As we were not out on Thurs pm we popped across to Paternoster Square to pick up some supper and it was lovely to see St Paul's bathed in sunshine and people happily enjoying an evening with friends and colleagues.

16&17 Sept - as Vincent is in India with the Lord Mayor I host lunch each day for the Judges. We have welcomed guests from the military, plastering, stonemasonry, Livery, a Lord Lieutenant and a Past Sheriff. The Annual Gresham Dinner (City side) was held at Mansion House and I enjoyed researching Thomas Gresham before the Dinner and learning about his legacy of the Royal Exchange, the current lectures and podcasts that Gresham College organise and the relevance of the grasshopper lapel pins! The following evening I was asked to Chair The Wesley Supper on a topic of my choice, which was 'The release of prisoners and their aftercare'. A fascinating discussion took place with a number of charities represented including Switchback, Trailblazers, Key4Life, Bounce Back, and Unlock, together with members of the Methodist Church and some who work at The Wesley Hotel, who made us all very welcome.

12 & 13 September - Common Council was a long meeting with a number of issues discussed. We also had a 'Ball walk-through' to run through final details for the Sheriffs' Ball next week. Friday saw an early start to head to Canary Wharf who have kindly hosted this event for breakfast for the past 25 years. The Magical Taxi Tour is organised by the Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers and is now in its 26th year. Over 90 taxi take part, plus support vehicles including the AA, medical vehicles, the French and British police, refrigerated vans and so much more. Seriously ill children are invited to go to Euro Disney for the weekend and it was one of the most emotional and inspiring events of the year. Great to chat to families who were all so excited to be going and fantastic that so much is donated from a military band to packed lunches and the P&O crossing. We waved the taxis off, all blowing their horns loudly and set for a great couple of days - the taxi drivers are brilliant to give up their time to ensure this popular event happens each year.
I attended the NMBS (building merchant buying society) Women in Industry Conference - their first ever - which was held at the London Stock Exchange. There were speeches from international football players, to leaders of business and a tornado pilot - all inspiring. A panel discussion was followed by lean out sessions which focused on mental health and networking. I took part in a brief summary chat with Georgie Barrat about my role and the challenges I faced with networking and how to deal with stressful situations, as well as my Shrieval role. Following the conference I took a group of charity auction winners on a tour of the Old Bailey - a hectic but very rewarding day and one that shows the varied role of the Sheriffs.
I attended the NMBS (building merchant buying society) Women in Industry Conference - their first ever - which was held at the London Stock Exchange. There were speeches from international football players, to leaders of business and a tornado pilot - all inspiring. A panel discussion was followed by lean out sessions which focused on mental health and networking. I took part in a brief summary chat with Georgie Barrat about my role and the challenges I faced with networking and how to deal with stressful situations, as well as my Shrieval role. Following the conference I took a group of charity auction winners on a tour of the Old Bailey - a hectic but very rewarding day and one that shows the varied role of the Sheriffs.

11 September - it was a pleasure to join those who work and volunteer on Hampstead Heath to mark 30 years since the City of London Corporation took ownerships and began the management of the Heath. I hadn't realised there was a cricket pitch on the Heath, having seen the athletics track last time I visited. Very interesting talking to the rangers Terry and Charles about their role and hearing about the sheep who were a trial this year on the Heath - I think they may well return next year. It was a dash back to attend the Guildable Manor of Southwark lecture and Dinner. A booklet with photos was very useful to understand how the Thames used to flow around Southwark and see artists impressions of how the land used to look, as well as circular baths.

10 September - a very busy and mixed day which shows the range of events the Civic team are invited to. An early start for breakfast and a private view of the Vallotton exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts. The Swiss Ambassador was the host and I met guests from the arts and business world. I had not heard of Vallotton and it was fascinating to be shown round the exhibition and discover the range of his work, from woodcuts to portraits. In the evening we welcomed the Duke of Sussex to a full Guildhall to launch the fifth Invictus Games. HRH and two participants spoke passionately about the difference and improvement sport can make to mental health. Vincent and I then went to Haberdashers' Hall for the Glasgow in London Dinner - the two of us were 'led in' during the Dinner and had to 'sing for our supper' - thankfully we had a run through of the tune before the Dinner started! The charitable work of the Trades of Glasgow are extensive and include Kinship Care, a Good Morning Service and School Crafts. We received some very thoughtful gifts, including a pair of Byford Socks which I had not realised were still on sale - I'm not sure that I will ever wear them!

6-8 September - each year we hold a 'Leicester weekend' which gives us an opportunity to share social events with the residents of our 26 cottage homes which are in Oadby, just outside Leicester. I couldn't play in the golf day as I was hosting lunch in the Old Bailey - I was delighted to welcome Sir John Timpson, together with his son James and a number of ex-offenders. Timpsons are large employers of ex-offenders with 10% of their workforce being those who have been in prison for varying lengths of time and it was good to chat to some who have been helped by Timpsons. I joined the FWK for supper on the Friday evening after a very slow journey crossing London and up the M1. On the Saturday a number of Liverymen attended the Ceremony of the Socks at the FWK Museum in Wigston -I joined for the Court meeting which was followed by a drinks reception in Leicester Cathedral and supper in St Martins House. It was a very happy evening and great to hear members of the Cathedral choir perform. On Sunday Liverymen, guests and residents attended our annual church service in Oadby before enjoying lunch in Corah Hall. A new archive room has been created and it was fascinating to see old photos and memorabilia from the Company, as well as the Master's Chair that dates back to the 16 Century.